100 best Presidential Grant projects of 2018: new contest, deadline 15 October
Presidential Grants Foundation announces 100 best projects of 2018
The Presidential Grants Foundation has completed its evaluation of the projects that won the competition in 2018.
The Foundation has finished evaluating the implementation of winning projects from 2018. On 2 September, a list of the 2018 winners which had successfully implemented their proposed projects and had been assessed by the joint expert council was published on the Foundation’s website. The list is divided into four groups: projects with funding of up to 500 000 roubles, 500 000 to 3 million roubles, 3 million to 10 million roubles and in excess of 10 million roubles. The list can be found here.
On 1 September the application window for the tenth Presidential Grant competition opened. Grants are awarded to non-profit projects that have a social, cultural or educational impact.
You can read the competition’s rules and application conditions here on the competition’s website.
The application window closes at 23.30 Moscow time on 15 October 2020.
Source: https://www.asi.org.ru/news/2020/09/02/fpg-2018-god-top-luchshih-proektov/