Applications open for All-Russia Civic Forum

Applications have opened for participation in the IV All-Russian Civic Forum


The All-Russian Civic Forum is the largest annual meeting of Russian civil society representatives, where pressing problems are discussed and proposals to address them developed. It is held by the Civic Initiatives Committee, and this year will take place in Moscow on 19 November.

The organisers of the 2016 forum anticipate that around 1000 NGO representatives, activists and experts from the majority of Russian regions will participate. The forum will focus on current and upcoming changes in society, the search for new welfare state models and new instruments for the development of social capital.

The application process is open on the website Prospective applicants are required to acquaint themselves with the rules of participation and complete a form. The website features a list of existing forums and four new expert dialogues, their coordinators, and a provisional programme for the forum.

According to the organising committee of the ‘Dialogue. Solidarity. Responsibility’ forum, preparations have begun for a further four expert dialogues: ‘Modernisation of the penitentiary system on the basis of new penal policy’, ‘Vision of the future’, ‘The sharing economy’, and ‘Disability rights’. Find out more here.


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