Awards for Russian-language websites for people with disabilities

Awards in Moscow for the winners of the festival “World of Equal Opportunities”


A specialist jury chose seven of the most interesting online projects from a range of social internet resources.

The award ceremony for the winners and honourees of the Eighth Festival of Social Internet Resources “World of Equal Opportunities” took place on 31 May in Sokolniky Leisure Park. Taking part in the festival were the authors and creators of Russian-language sites dedicated to solving problems for people with disabilities. This year, there was a total of 442 entries from Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and Moldova.

In May, an expert board, including representatives from civil organisations and Honoured Masters of Sport, evaluated 70 works. Then from amongst these works, they selected the winners and honourees for each of the categories. The societal and public significance of the resource were the primary criteria for the jury. A creative approach to presentation, the content and the interactivity of the site (internet resource), design and usability of the site were also important. Furthermore, the jury evaluated the frequency with which information was updated and its effectiveness in promoting tolerance towards people with disabilities. In the experts’ opinion, such internet resources should solve the most pressing issues regarding integration of disabled people into society.

There were seven categories in the competition. Among the internet resources from the All-Russian Society for Disabled People, the Bashkir Republic Organisation of the All-Russian Society for Disabled People won in the category “Together we can do more”.  The site “My mum is the most beautiful” (Belgorod oblast) took the prize in the category “Children as children”, dedicated to the education and social and medical rehabilitation of children with disabilities. In the category “Life goes on”, the blog of the audio-visual translator, Ivan Borschevsky, from the Stavropol region, “Describe the unseen” was chosen as the best. The jury awarded the official site of VOS (Moscow) in the category “One world, one dream”. In the category “Opening of the year”, the site “U Sovy” (Belarus) won, in the category, “Goodness – foundation of peace” – the Union of Large Families and those with Disabled Children (Krasnogorsk, Moscow oblast), in the nomination “Equal opportunity sport” – the Yugra Centre for Adapted Sport (Tyumen oblast).

Besides the victors, the jury also commended festival honourees. The full list is published on the site of the All-Russian Society for Disabled People.

“Our festival is already taking place for the eighth year, but the interest in the topic of people with disabilities is not fading, and what is especially good, is that each year, new participants submit entries,” the chairman of the festival’s organisational committee, chairman of the All-Russian Society for Disabled People and member of the Duma, Mikhail Terentev explained. “This year, there were entries from 100 internet resources taking part in the festival for the first time. This fact brings great joy, as well as the fact that sites which have already existed for a long time are dynamically changing and developing – all this shows that together we are making the world a better place.”



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