Bill on social services to be revised
Draft law
«On the framework for social services in the Russian Federation» sent
back for revision
Vice Prime Minister of Russia Olga Golodets made this
decision, after having informed the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of
the Russian Federation. A meeting devoted to the discussion of
reconceptualising the law took place in the parliament of the Russian
Federation on 26th July. Together with representatives of the
Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, the Ministry of Economic Development,
the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Justice, members and experts from
the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation on social policy, labour relations
and public welfare were also in attendance.
Committee representatives from the Public Chamber of the
Russian Federation believe that it is essential in the draft law to separate
the roles of the recipient and the provider of social services, because today,
in many social service institutions the two often overlap. The law will allow
non-state providers, including socially oriented NGOs, to be included in this
process and introduce competition in this area.
Public figures also suggest changing the nature of the law
to focus on social services and support, the essence of which is to provide the
necessary assistance to people in the home, places of work and leisure. It is
essential to create socially inclusive conditions for people with disabilities,
by implementing a set of measures aimed at adapting conditions for those who
face difficulty. For people with disabilities, as well as disability benefit it
is necessary to create an accessible environment and conditions for an
inclusive education and jobs. Also, young people leaving state care at 18
should be provided with accommodation, psychological support and help with
adapting to independent living.
In most cases, addressing these complex life situations
requires the collaborative efforts from several different agencies combined
with government powers. Also, society and citizens themselves, who face
difficult life situations, should not be regarded as passive recipients of this
aid. Measures taken by these agencies must be coordinated and work towards the
common goal of social inclusion for these people. Today, social services have
limited preventative potential, as support is given after the «onset of a
difficult situation» by making an application.
Taking into account the comments made by experts and
representatives from the various Ministries, the Ministry of Labour and Social
Affairs made the decision to create a working group with joint participation
from the Ministry and public representatives to finalise the draft law.