Council for disabled children’s affairs

A co-ordinating council for the affairs of
children with disabilities has been formed


council has started work under the auspices of the committee of the Public
Chamber of the Russian Federation that deals with social issues (the


Association of Parents of Children with Disabilities from the Vladimir region, Svet (Light), received a special
invitation to attend the council’s inaugural meeting. Leading experts and
representatives of NGOs operating in this area are planning to draft
proposed    subordinate legislation and
practice recommendations relating to supported living for people with
disabilities and to look at the problems involved in delivering social services
to families containing children with disabilities. Furthermore, it is proposed
that the council take on the development of mechanisms for reorganising
residential institutions that cater for such people as well as supervising
reform of the institution of legal capacity and guardianship in connection with
the ratification of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with


council’s work programme will include overcoming the segregation of people who
have special educational needs and working up standards and practice
recommendations for the adoption of inclusive educational arrangements. The
NGOs intend to bring forward proposals for the early development, diagnosis and
treatment of children with disabilities. The council plans discussion of the
problems involved in providing vocational training for people with limited
capabilities and the provision of employment (supported employment). Boris
Altshuler, the chair of the committee, has been elected to chair the council.

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