Crimean hotels to offer free places to families with autistic children

Crimea, 13.08.2014

Around 90 families from Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, with autistic children will join an autumn charitable event called “Being Together”, provided by several Crimean hotels. These families will have free holidays by the Black Sea coast. There will be gymnastic classes for children and their parents, creative activities, dancing and painting, sports and games, walks along the beach, and meetings for mothers to share experience in bringing up their children. Specialists will be on hand to give advice to parents. The costs will be met by the Mar Le Mar Club hotel. The hotel’s marketing director said that there are no centres for families with autistic children anywhere in the world. It is a problem for these families, as such children can disturb staff and other guests on holiday. So this project is a miracle for them. Parents and children alike have a break and rest, as they don’t have to worry about fitting in socially.

It is the fifth time this charitable project for autism families has taken place. This year there were 260 applications for places from families in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. The organisers asked Crimean hotels to respond by supporting the initiative so that as many families as possible can benefit. In 2014 the holidays will be from 29 September to 12 October and 90 families will be present.

Note: Statistics provided at a forum indicated that in the USA there are 88 children per 10,000 with autism, and in South Korea – 38 per 10,000. There are no statistics available for Russia, Ukraine and Belarus because no research has been conducted on the subject.

Author: Yulia Vyatkina

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