CSOs affected by Duma bill on deportation of foreigners

A Russian State Duma Committee has approved a bill on the deportation of foreigners and stateless people




Article published on the ASI website


This will also affect people whose only identity card is an old USSR passport.


Under Article 3.10 of the Administrative Offences Code, administrative expulsions from the Russian Federation can only be ordered by a judge, or by relevant officials if a foreign citizen or stateless person commits an administrative offence when entering the country.


According to TASS, the Duma’s State Building and Legislation Committee recommended that deputies should adopt at first reading a bill that would grant powers to the police to take decisions on administrative expulsions.


Olga Demicheva, a member of the Human Rights Council and head of the Doctor Liza Fair Help Charity, has been commenting on the bill on her Telegram channel. She said that CSOs which offer support to the homeless know that “people from the former Soviet republics who have no identity documents other than their old USSR passport will be among those who are considered stateless”.


“Many years ago they would have come to the then RSFSR to work – some on building sites, some on dacha settlements and others as part of repair crews. They worked for different employers, although not always conscientiously. There would no problems so long as they remained fit and healthy – they always had a place to stay and somewhere to work. But with advancing age came declining health which ultimately meant they could no longer work. In the end, they were left with nothing – no documents, relatives or social ties with their former homeland”, said Olga.


Demicheva also stated “If deported from Russia, these people will have no-one to go to as it won’t always be possible for us to arrange transfers for them to charities in other countries” which, in her view, could result in a loss of life.


Source: https://asi.org.ru/news/2024/06/17/olga-demicheva-deportacziya-mozhet-privesti-k-gibeli-cheloveka/?utm_order_number=1




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