Medvedev announces increases in child allowances

Dmitry Medvedev announces 200-fold increase in child allowances



Russia’s Prime Minister announced an increase in low-income family benefits at a recent meeting to discuss achieving national development goals in demographic policy in the Russian Federation.


“A decision has been taken to increase support for those low-income families with children from one and a half to three years of age. They will receive monthly payments of more than 10,000 roubles for each child, compared to the current sum of 50 roubles”, said Medvedev as reported by the Interfax news agency.


According to the Prime Minister, a Bill is being drafted that will broaden the payment criteria for low-income families from one and a half to twice the subsistence minimum per person. “This decision will enable more people to receive monthly State support for their first and second child”, said Medvedev as reported by Interfax.


Allowances for parents looking after disabled children


Medvedev also stated that since 1 July last year, compensatory payments to able-bodied non-working parents who look after disabled children had “nearly doubled”.


Payments for families living in the Far East


A lump-sum payment has been introduced for families living in the Far East on the birth of their first child. It is the equivalent of twice the subsistence minimum for a child set in a particular region. Regional maternity capital will also be available to families which have a second child.


“We will, of course, continue to provide co-financed monthly payments out of the federal budget for the birth of a third child and subsequent children for families living in Far East regions including the Republics of Buryatia and Yakutia, Sakhalin oblast and the Chukotka Autonomous Region”, said Medvedev.


Time to take decisions


A large demographic package to increase the national birth rate was agreed a year and a half ago. It included monthly payments for the birth or adoption of a family’s first child, payments for a second child out of maternity capital and regional subsidies for payments for the birth of a third child and subsequent children. However, according to Medvedev, not all the measures to increase Russia’s birth rate have been fully implemented.


The issue is being discussed including most recently directly with the Russian President. “Clearly, decisions need to be taken that will remedy the situation”, the Prime Minister added.



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