More than 100 coperation agreements signed at Community Forum
At the final open space at the Southern Federal Region forum, 143 agreements were signed regarding potential cooperation between NGOs, businesses, authorities and media outlets.
This year was the first year when the agreements between representatives from business, authorities, media and NGOs were signed at the “Community” forum. The best projects will be presented in November at a final forum in Moscow. The organisers envisage that the main outcome will be a bank of social projects launched thanks to “Community”. Experts from the forum will follow the implementation of the project.
The result of the Rostov forum was the work of the open space “Acceleration of Intersectional Cooperation”. Here creators of social projects held presentations for representatives of socially responsible companies and state structures. Yulia Zimova, a member of the Public Chamber, said that several social practices from the region would be examined at the final “Community” forum in Moscow.
“Here we saw real examples of successful collaboration between NGOs, authorities and businesses. Along with this, local companies explained in detail how they carry out non-commercial projects. Unfortunately, very often when something somewhere is explained, it is never said where it is written down. They explained it very clearly here, with concrete templates allowing you to be able to ask the right questions”, she said.
Besides this, at the forum in Rostov-on-Don, there was a separate space, dedicated to “providers of socially useful services” and a special space for active teenagers, “Community Junior”.