More than 79% of Presidential Grants implemented successfully
More than 79% of the winning projects of the Presidential Grants Fund competition have been successfully implemented
The Presidential Grants Fund has identified the 100 best projects that have been implemented with its support since the end of 2020.
Experts offered over 28,000 assessments of the project winners. On 9 November, the Presidential Grants Fund completed its public assessment of all the projects that have received support in 2020. The results were presented by Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration, Sergei Kiriyenko, in an online meeting of the Coordination Committee.
The results were evaluated by experts, representatives of the Russian Public Chamber, regional authorities, the grantees themselves and a group of citizens. Together in all they evaluated more the 4,000 projects.
More than 79% of the projects that received support were judged to have implemented their projects ‘successfully’, 17% ‘satisfactorily’ and about 3% ‘unsatisfactorily’. Less than 1% of projects failed to implement their projects.
“It is worth noting that the spread of COVID has been the main reason that certain project teams failed to achieve their planned results,” the Fund said.
You can see the results of the project assessments here online and the top projects can be found here.
Translated by Holly Battye