NGO challenges validity of ‘foreign agent’ law at ECHR

Strasbourg 5 May 2014

The European Court of Human Rights (EHCR) has registered an application submitted by the Komstrom Support Centre for Public Initiatives (KSPCI)

The application contests the legality of the law on foreign agents.

According to the Open Information Agency the notification that the complaint had been registered was received on the above date by the Agora Association’s legal analyst, Damir Gainutdinov, who is representing the centre’s interests in Strasbourg. The KSPCI and its executive director, Alexander   Zamaryanov, are asking the EHCR to find that the government of the Russian Federation (RF) has violated the right to freedom of speech and the right to freedom of association that are written into the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.

The KSPCI was the first Russian NGO take proceedings contesting the validity of the above law in the constitutional court of the Russian Federation. Subsequently, the court found that the RF did not contravene the constitution. Soon afterwards  justice of the peace, Vladimir Yaroslavtsev delivered his opinion regarding this notorious law.

On 29 May a court of the justices of the peace pronounced that the KSPCI was a ‘foreign agent’. The organisation announced that it was ceasing operatipns and going into voluntary liquidation.

Author: Georgy Ivanushkin

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