NGO finances in Voronezh
Voronezh State Registry Office publishes Information on Financial Activities of NGOs, Communal and Religious Organisations
In 2006 the above organisations spent 360 million roubles, including 18 million received from abroad. This information was made public by the Voronezh State Registry Office. ‘We are talking only about organisations that have submitted returns about their financial and economic activities’, said the acting head of the office, Alexey Zarubin. ‘The current state of affairs is that of the 4,000 NGOs, communal and religious organisations registered with the Voronezh office, 26% have reported. Nearly 30% of the total consists of ‘dead souls’. 70% of the organisations submitted reports following a warning. For whatever reasons, the remainder have ignored the legal requirements. Over a period of eight months in 2007, the office conducted 212 audits of NGOs, as a result of which 591 warnings were administered, 64 court actions commenced and the operations of 14 organisations brought to a halt. In October the registry intends to conduct the first routine audit of the financial and economic activities of TSZH (a homeowners’ association).