NGO involvement in state social services

Research is continuing into the experience
of regions in seeking to involve NGOs in the provision of social services by
the state


Public Chamber’s committee on social policy, industrial relations and quality
of life issues has been conducting research into the above in conjunction with
the Strategic Initiatives Agency for the Advancement of Novel Projects. The
research will help to identify mechanisms for enhancing the provision of social
services and also the basic administrative and legal barriers hampering such
involvement by the NGOs. The idea is to develop practical measures at both
federal and regional levels to improve services and to lessen the burdens on
governmental budgets by involving NGOs and the private sector in their


a view to achieving as comprehensive a result as possible, the Institute of
Urban Economics has drawn up a special form which was to have been returned
completed by the end of June to

 by organisations wishing their information to
be included in the exercise.

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