ЄС та UNDP підбили підсумки річного проєкту з розвитку соціальних послуг

Проєкт проаналізував системи надання соціальних послуг у 358 громадах шести пілотних областей і розробив конкретні плани для їхнього вдосконалення Київ, 21 червня 2024 р. — Європейський Союз (ЄС) та Програма розвитку Організації Об’єднаних Націй (UNDP) в Україні у партнерстві з Міністерством соціальної політики України підбили підсумки річного проєкту з розвитку системи надання соціальних послуг у …

New platform for verification of CSOs launched in Russia

A new platform for the verification of CSOs has been launched in Russia   20.06.2024   Article published on the ASI website   The Continuation Foundation platform for verifying CSOs has been launched in Russia. “Our aim is to create tools for CSOs to ensure that every person is able to receive the level of …

CSOs affected by Duma bill on deportation of foreigners

A Russian State Duma Committee has approved a bill on the deportation of foreigners and stateless people   17.06.2024   Article published on the ASI website   This will also affect people whose only identity card is an old USSR passport.   Under Article 3.10 of the Administrative Offences Code, administrative expulsions from the Russian …

89% of Russians support introduction of law to combat domestic violence

89% of Russians support the introduction of a law to combat domestic violence, says a survey   13.06.2024   Article published on the ASI website   A team of specialists with experience in socio-political and marketing research from the consultancy Russian Field, together with the New People Party, has conducted a survey to find out …

Міжнародна конференція з питань відновлення України (Ukraine Recovery Conference – URC2024) Berlin

Міжнародна конференція з питань відновлення України (Ukraine Recovery Conference – URC2024) об’єднає лідерів урядів низки країн, міжнародних організацій, бізнесу та громадянського суспільства. Німеччина та Україна спільно проведуть Конференцію 11 та 12 червня 2024 року в Берліні під слоганом – Об’єднані у захисті. Об’єднані у відновленні. Сильніші разом. URC2024 є продовженням циклу щорічних заходів високого рівня, …

Ombudsman reports on state of human rights in Russia

Tatyana Moskalkova has presented Vladimir Putin with her latest report on the state of human rights in the Russian Federation   10.06.2024   Article published on the ASI website   On 10 June, the Russian President met Tatyana Moskalkova, the Federation’s Human Rights Ombudsman, during which Putin was presented with her latest annual report on …

UNICEF report on children’s malnutrition in Uzbekistan and other countries.

11% of children in Uzbekistan are malnourished, says a UNICEF report   10.06.2024   Article published on the yep.uz website   11% of children are malnourished in Uzbekistan, according to a UNICEF report published in June.   The document provides an analysis of the problems linked to malnutrition among young children in Uzbekistan which is …

Assaults on medical professionals in Kyrgyzstan to be punishable by fines or imprisonment

Assaults on medical professionals in Kyrgyzstan to be punishable by fines or imprisonment   10.06.2024   Article published on the 24.kg website   Kyrgyzstan’s Parliamentary Committee on Social Policy has approved amendments to a number of legislative texts at first reading.   Amendments have been made to a law designed to protect medics in the …

Moldova: comprehensive programme for development of rehabilitation services

Moldova to benefit from comprehensive programme on development of rehabilitation services for adults, children 5 June 2024, Chișinău (Moldovan Government website) – The quality and accessibility of the rehabilitation services for adults and children will be improved and the capacity of management of the non-transmissible diseases nationally will be strengthened. In this respect, the cabinet …

Russia: New job quota rules for people with disabilities

The Russian Government has changed job quota rules for people with disabilities   03.06.2024   Article published on the ASI website   The new procedure for meeting these quotas will be effective from 1 September.   The decree that establishes this new policy has been published on the Government’s official regulations and legal acts website. …