Proposals to improve the social security system in Uzbekistan
Proposals to improve the social security system in Uzbekistan
Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Recommendations for improving the social security system in Uzbekistan were presented to the country’s President, Shavkat Mirziyoyev, on 14 February. Under the proposals, priority will be given to enhancing the Republic’s social protection involving an expansion of the list and scope of social services.
On 1 June last year, the Head of State signed a decree “On a set of measures for providing high-quality social services and assistance to the population, as well as introducing a system to assess their effectiveness”.
The National Agency for Social Protection, which was established by the country’s President, carried out an earlier analysis of the targeting and efficiency of the social security system. This revealed a number of shortcomings in the provision of equitable social support at the mahalla level, as well as in securing proper financing for social services and help for those in difficult situations.
Discussions focused on developing systemic solutions to these issues. From now on, the seven malhalla will identify the causes and drivers of social problems in families, assess current opportunities and direct social services to lift families out of difficult personal situations.
Assistance from the Generosity and Help Foundation will be provided based on a personalised assessment of a family’s social circumstances.
There is general recognition of the need to have consistent implementation of the International Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities which Uzbekistan has ratified, including improving the support system for the disabled and their integration into society, as well as providing them with high-quality prosthetic and orthopaedic aids and rehabilitation equipment.
The proposals were approved by Uzbekistan’s President, who issued instructions that appropriate steps be taken to ensure their implementation.