Russia: Formal guidelines approved for treatment for people with disabilities
The Russian Council of Ministers has approved formal guidelines for a comprehensive habilitation and rehabilitation of people with disabilities
Article published on the ASI website
It has been decided to involve scientific organisations and civil society associations for disabled people in establishing proper habilitation and rehabilitation standards.
Russia’s Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin has signed a degree that sets out comprehensive habilitation and rehabilitation guidelines for people with disabilities. To this end, standards for the provision of these services will be developed. The guidelines are aimed at improving the quality of assistance provided to people and children with disabilities.
The decree covers five main areas:
- Prosthetic and orthopaedic assistance;
- Social rehabilitation;
- Physical rehabilitation, including by means of adaptive physical exercise and sport;
- Early support for children and their families;
- Vocational rehab, including guidance for people and children with disabilities.
The current system for providing services only covers medical rehab for adults and children.
In addition, the Labour and Education Ministries will develop and approve models for organising early support for children and their families. The Ministry of Sport will prepare standards for the physical rehab of disabled people through physical exercise and sports.
The proposed models will be discussed with civil society associations for disabled people and organisations that provide various forms of support for people with disabilities.