Russia — HIV/AIDS hotline
From 14 to 20 May, all Russian citizens will have access to an information telephone line, through which they will be able to ask questions about AIDS.
The campaign “STOP HIV/AIDS” will take place during this week. It is being organised by the Fund for Socio-cultural Initiatives twice a year: in the run-up to World AIDS Day (on 1 December) and International AIDS Candlelight Memorial Day (third Sunday of May). The campaign is focused on prevention of infection and information about the illness. It is supported by the Federal Service for the Oversight of Consumer Protection and Welfare.
On the days of the campaign, the Federal Service will run a hotline where anyone can ask questions concerning the prevention of HIV. Specialist epidemiologists will give consultations in every region of Russia. They will also speak about safe behaviour, epidemiological situations in the region and anonymised free testing.
The Centre for Molecular Diagnostics (CMD) of the Central Scientific Research Institute of epidemiology of the Federal Service will also join the STOP HIV/AIDS campaign. From 18 to 20 May, it will be possible to get a test for HIV antibodies and find out your HIV status. This will be possible in all CMD medical offices and 80 medical foundation partners of the CMD across Russia, using the promotional code #STOPHIVAIDS.
International AIDS Candlelight Memorial Day is marked each year upon the initiative of the World Health Organisation on the third Sunday of May. This year, it will be on 20 May. On this day, people wishing to remember victims of AIDS attach a red ribbon to their clothes – a symbol of the battle against the illness. ItwasinitiatedbyAmericanartistFrankMoorein1991.
More information about the campaign STOP HIV/AIDS can be found here. Source: