Russia: meeting of Forum of Philanthropists and Patrons

Forum of Philanthropists and Patrons of Russia – registration is open

The Forum of Philanthropists and Patrons of Russia will take place on 2 March 2021 in Moscow’s Marriot Royal Aurora Hotel.


Those taking part will discuss the efficacy of the charitable sector’s infrastructure during the COVID-19 pandemic, specifically its strengths, weaknesses and what areas need to be improved.

Themes for the discussion sessions:

  • Plenary session. “How has the charitable sector’s infrastructure coped during the pandemic?”
  • Questions for discussion. “What infrastructure changes to the charitable sector are needed?”
  • “Corporate philanthropy – there is no such thing”
  • “Innovation, the latest digital projects and initiatives in the charitable sector which began during the pandemic and lockdown”
  • “We have all learnt something: personal stories of self-education in the charitable sector”
  • “Has the time come for a paradigm shift in the relationship between donor and CSO (NGO)”
  • “Crisis management in the charitable sphere” (running a charity in a crisis)
  • “Portrayal of charity in modern literature”

You can find more about the forum’s programme, speakers and other details, as well as register to attend on the forum’s website. Information will be regularly updated.

Queries can be sent by email to or by telephone at +7 (929) 573 4267, Maria Golofeeva.


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