Russia: new index of volunteering experts

New ranking of experts in the field of volunteering has been compiled

It includes volunteers, CSO (NGO) staff, and third sector researchers.


The top three experts included Nyuta Federmesser, the founder of the hospice charity VERA, Alexei Komissarov, the general director of non-profit organisation Russia-The Country of Opportunities and Yuri Belanovsky, the head of the volunteer movement Danilovtsi.

Overall, 50 people were included in the ratings.

The main results and conclusions of the study were as follows:

  • The list of experts is largely dominated by managers and employees from practically-orientated organisations, employed in real-life practical spheres, not by researchers or scientific workers in labs.
  • The top 50 includes experts from a variety of fields, including help for children and young people as well as eco-volunteering.
  • Unlike other rankings, where there is a clear concentration of specialists located in Moscow or Saint Petersburg, the volunteer list includes specialists from the Samara, Volgograd and Kaliningrad regions.
  • The majority of the top 50 experts have less than 50 mentions in the media in the last three months, indicating the lack of interest on the part of journalists in their endeavours. In turn, this leads to a general lack of information about volunteer projects and volunteer activities.

Methodology: the ratings consist of a list of experts, ranked by calculating the Expert Demand Index. This includes 4 criteria: endorsements, recognition, popularity and appraisal. Each criterion is calculated individually and the total sum for all criteria makes up the Expert Demand Index. The maximum available points is 10. The ranking does not include those people who are involved in governmental and/or political decisions (for example, officials, deputies, leaders of government agencies) in the industry in question, despite the fact they could be considered experts.

The ranking was compiled by the Centre for Political Change (CPC), under commission from the Expert Institute for Social Research (EISR).


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