Russia: proposals to help disabled people into the workforce.

People with a Group 1 disability may be exempted from paying personal income tax




Article published on the ASI website


The Russian Federation’s Ministry of Labour and Social Protection believes that people with disabilities can fill shortages in the Russian labour market. This has been included in a draft framework for increasing employment opportunities for disabled people for the period up to 2030 which is currently being developed by the department.


The text, which has been seen by the Russian Business Consultancy firm, states that, at present, three-quarters of working-age Russians with disabilities are not part of the labour market.


Why is this the case?


More often than not, they are unsuitable for the jobs being offered, with employers generally reluctant to hire disabled people because they believe their productivity levels are lower than those of other able-bodied staff. In addition, very few people want to spend company funds on creating special workplaces for disabled employees.


How can the situation be resolved?


The Labour Ministry is proposing to solve the problem by providing incentives for businesses to hire people with disabilities and to introduce measures aimed at supporting the employees themselves. For example, the Ministry is recommending exempting people with a Group 1 disability from paying personal income tax, as well as helping them start their own business.





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