‘Social Enterprise and Social Innovation’ summer school
The Summer School ‘Social Enterprise and
Social Innovations’ was founded in Rishchino in St Petersburg region. The
leaders of the Summer School were: The National Research University Higher School of Economics’
Centre for Social Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation Studies, with the support of the fund
for Regional Social Programmes ‘Our Future’, the Research Laboratory for the Study
of Corporate Innovation Systems and the fund for the academic development of
the branch of The National
Research University Higher School of Economics’ Centre for Social
Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation Studies in St Petersburg.
The participants were undergraduate and postgraduate
students of Russian universities and young entrepreneurs from various Russian
regions presenting their social projects. It was suggested that there should be
future consultations, master classes and meetings with Russian and
international experts so that students could improve their current projects.
The material was delivered in the form of business games in order to protect
the ownerships of the work. The Commission will consist of experts and
practitioners from the fields of social entrepreneurship and social innovation
in Russia, Britain, Italy, France, Japan and India.
The Fund
for Regional and Social Programmes ‘Our Future’,’Nashi Budushchii’ tel: (495)
780-96-71, 780-96-74, email: pr@nb-fund.ru