Support for reform to let Russian NGOs use residential buildings

Support for reform on housing NGOs in residential buildings


The Deputy Prime Minister, Olga Golodets, has supported changes to the Housing Codex, permitting the use of residential houses for the statutory activities of non-commercial organisations.

The minutes from the interdepartmental meeting at which the decision was taken have been seen by the Agency for Social Information.

The reform supposes additions to Part 2 of Article 17 of the Housing Codex of the Russian Federation. According to it, NGOs may work in residential homes which they use legally without having to change the premises’ status to “non-residential”. Sanitary and other similar requirements for a residential building should be fulfilled and the activity of the NGO should not violate the rights of other citizens and organisations.

The draft law contains one qualification: it does not affect multi-apartment buildings.

The Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation recommended that the Ministry of Economic Development prepare the draft law for introduction to the Cabinet of Ministers.


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