Putin announces measures to boost birth rate
Vladimir Putin announces a new national project to support families
The Russian President spoke about the “Family” project in his recent address to the Federal Assembly.
Under the project, the maternity capital payment programme will be extended until 2030. Tax deductions for a second child will be doubled (up to 2,800 roubles) and increased for a third and each subsequent child (up to 6,000 roubles), with total tax deductions raised from 350,000 to 450,000 roubles.
“We should always be striving to improve the quality of life of families in order to help with the nation’s birthrate which is why we are launching this new national “Family” initiative”, said Putin as reported by TASS.
Among the announced support measures is the freezing of family mortgage rates at the same level as those with children up to six years of age. Payments of 450,000 roubles for mortgage repayments with the birth of a third child will be extended until 2030. Up to 75 billion roubles will be allocated to Russian regions to extend support measures for families with low birth rates compared to the national average.
The President also issued instructions for the creation of a new wide-ranging programme to protect motherhood and children’s health.