Federation Council suspends work on ‘undesirable organisations’

Senators suspend the search for “undesirable” organisations


The Federation Council said “they have done everything necessary” and they do not plan to “meet on this issue in the near future.”

The Federation Council of RF has taken a break while working on the “patriotic stop-list”, but does not plan to abandon this tool, according to TASS. According to the news agency, the Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on International Affairs Andrei Klimov said, “We reserve the right, if we see that the situation is heating up, to return to the tool again.”

According to the Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Defence and Security Viktor Ozerov, the activities of a number of organisations included in the “patriotic stop-list”, have been recognised by the relevant legislation of the Russian Federation. At the same time, he highlighted that two organisations from the list are still being investigated.

The law on “undesirable” organisations, adopted in May 2015, elicited criticism from Russian and international human rights communities. Foreign and international organisations whose activities threaten “the defence or security of the state” or “the fundamentals of the constitutional order” are classed as “undesirable”. The “patriotic stop-list” is a list, created by the Federation Council, which includes 12 organisations, the activities of which may be classed as “undesirable”.

The status of “undesirable organisations” was at different times awarded to the National Democratic Institute of International Relations, the Soros Foundation, the National Endowment for Democracy and the US-Russia Foundation for Economic Advancement and the Rule of Law, the International Republican Institute and the Media Development Investment Fund.

Source: https://www.asi.org.ru/news/2016/11/29/senatory-priostanovili-poisk-nezhelatelnyh-organizatsij/

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