Report on Russian CSOs’ pandemic-related projects

A helping hand: how have CSOs (NGOs) supported those in difficult situations? The ASI has produced a report on the ‘pandemic’ projects of various CSOs. Several of them were presented at the International Online Conference People Focus 28.05.2021 Help on the street On the streets of Chelyabinsk the project A Different Medicine has been providing …

WHO issues weekly reports on health situation in Ukraine

Weekly updates on the current situation in Ukraine and refugee-receiving countries, priority public health concerns and WHO’s actions to rapidly respond to the health emergency triggered by the conflict and to minimize disruptions to the delivery of critical health services. Extract from report dated 12 May 2022: Key updates Attacks on health care (including those …

Ukraine: 28 days of war, 64 verified attacks on health care (WHO report)

Ukraine: 28 days of war, 64 verified attacks on health care, and 18 million people affected WHO Regional Office for Europe Email: Copenhagen, 24 March 2022 One month of war has had a devastating impact on Ukraine’s health system, severely restricted access to services, and triggered an urgent need to treat trauma injuries and …

Businesses launch six new social projects

Charitable collections of soft toys and other projects. 21.01.2022 Waste management service Ubirator has provided schools in Moscow and Saint Petersburg with electronic containers for recycling management. The Ubox smart containers have been designed to educate schools on the importance of separate waste collection. With the help of the containers, schoolchildren are not only actively …

Russia: reporting in charitable organisations

Organisations most often present quantitative data in their reports to founders a survey finds The Donors Forum investigated the finer details of reporting in charitable organisations. 06/09/2021 On September 3, the Donors Forum presented the results of their eighth report. This time, the methods of reporting to founders of charitable foundations, CSOs and charity companies …

Improving role of Public Chamber in monitoring national projects

Limitations in the implementation of national projects and the level of public control The Public Chamber has noted limitations in the implementation of nation-wide projects and the level of public control over them. 06/09/2021 Russian President Vladmir Putin has agreed with the Public Chamber’s proposals concerning the implementation of projects on a national level. The …

Further reporting requirements for Russian CSOs

The Ministry of Justice plans to make CSO reporting more complicated 20.08.2021 These changes will affect non-commercial organisations, public associations, religious bodies, structural sub-divisions of foreign not-for-profit organisations and CSO foreign agents. Daria Miloslavskaya, head of the Lawyers for Civil Society, believes that the changes to the reporting process will make the work of CSOs …

Moscow mayor asked not to fine CSOs for not reporting vaccinations

The Mayor of Moscow asked not to fine CSOs because of problems with vaccination reporting 21.07.2021 The request has been made in the form of a letter signed by the Presidential Council for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights, the Ministry of Economic Development and the Federation’s Public Chamber. The letter, which has …

The Economist reports on drug policies in Eastern Europe

Research reveals that Russia could spend 42.8 billion Euros on keeping drug users in jail 18.03.2021 A study on drug policies in Eastern European countries was published on 10 March by The Economist magazine. According to the publication, HIV infections are increasing in countries where the research was conducted (Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan) and is being driven …

Public Chamber reports on state-civil society relations

Partnership of state and society: members of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation discuss draft report on the state of civil society in 2020 16 December 2020 The main topic of the report concerns how dialogue between state and society has developed amid the challenges of the current year. The report likewise reveals trends …

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