Украина-большие гранты на социальные инициативы
Ukrainians will receive up to 700 thousand UAH for social initiatives
Published by Shotam Info, Ukraine, 12 February 2020
In Ukraine, a grant program “Living on an equal footing” is being launched for social entrepreneurs and social initiatives for the benefit of people with disabilities and their close circle. The program provides financial help and three-year support for social initiatives.
On February 11, 2020, the Nechytaylo Family Foundation announced the launch of a programme of grants for non-profits and organizations registered as charitable organizations, public associations, etc. whose activities are related to the subject of the competition, and entrepreneurs (registered as enterprises, business associations, individuals – entrepreneurs, etc.) operating as a social enterprise.
Within the framework of the three-year grant program, the Fund offers: financial support for core activities (for the introduction of services, new products) in the form of a grant of UAH 300 to 700 thousand, as well as non-financial support, which may include: expert advice and mentoring, internships and training on selected topics, evaluation of the social impact of the project (impact-component assessment), promotion, etc.
Applications are accepted starting from February 11 until March 2 2020. Consideration of full project proposals: until March 29, 2020.
Priority Support Areas:
· Early intervention to prevent disability in children, reduce the severity of disability and prevent the institutionalization of children (screening for developmental disabilities, comprehensive care and specialist support)
· Social and labour rehabilitation of persons with disabilities (creative workshops, job creation, training, leisure, etc.).
· Removing restrictions on people with disabilities (development of transport services for low-mobility groups, facilitating access to technology, education, improving access to the outdoor environment, etc.).
· Organization of care for persons with disabilities (day care, supported accommodation, etc.).
· Development of rehabilitation services and activities (introduction of innovative practices and services for integrated rehabilitation, where effectiveness has been proven).
What can be financed:
· equipment and supplies;
· development and production (provision) of social products, services;
· development of software that is relevant to the purpose of the program;
· consulting services necessary for the project implementation;
· repair work (in the purchase of construction materials);
· teaching.
The Fund does not support the following costs:
· salary, rent and payment for utilities;
· business expenses;
· direct humanitarian and material assistance;
· the cost of providing medical assistance to individuals.
The Living on an Equal Footing grant programme seeks to become a flexible and convenient platform for the development of social enterprises in Ukraine for the benefit of persons with disabilities and their immediate circle.
Project concepts are accepted in electronic format (download form) at by March 2, 2020. Details – .
For information
For more than 4 years, the Nechytaylo Family Foundation has been implementing systematic projects to support people with disabilities. In particular, the Foundation established an online library of books in Braille and published 55 works for blind children.
In partnership with the Filatov Institute of Eye Diseases and Tissue Therapy, the Foundation implemented an innovative project in the southern regions of Ukraine to prevent childhood blindness due to retinopathy of prematurity. With the assistance of Cherkasy Regional State Administration, the Foundation developed a social transport service in the Cherkasy region, and started a pottery workshop as a method of labour rehabilitation. One of the strategic directions of the Foundation’s work is the development of social enterprises and initiatives that work for the benefit of people with disabilities and their close circle.
Original in Ukrainian: