78% of Russians say they would help those in need

Research: 78% of Russians would help those in need

The centre for civil society and the non-profit sector at the HSE University has published the results of its research into Russians’ attitudes to Russia’s national campaign for mutual support, #InItTogether (#MyVmeste).


The survey data found that 46% of Russians had heard about #InItTogether, either from mainstream journalism (52%) or social media (29%). One in ten respondents had personally taken part in the campaign. The most frequent type of support (6%) was a donation to buy food parcels for those in need.

Most respondents (90%) were aware that displaced people from Ukraine needed help. Three quarters felt that the state should help them. More than half believed that helping displaced people was a matter for relatives and volunteers, while 87% of those surveyed were comfortable with the calls to help displaced people.

Almost a quarter of respondents had already helped, and 78% said they were willing to help. Women suggested helping with objects and food, while men offered to do things to offer support. The majority (38%) would prefer to help in a group working towards a common goal rather than on their own.

One in four Russians have been a volunteer over the last year. The same number of those surveyed thought of themselves as volunteers. The most active people were those who had a higher education qualification, relatively high income and were in good health.

The HSE University conducted the survey in April with 2,003 participants from towns and villages across country.

Source: https://www.asi.org.ru/news/2022/05/17/uchastniki-akczii-myvmeste-chashhe-vsego-zhertvuyut-dengi-na-produkty/

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