Comic about protecting children from sexual violence

A comic about protecting children from sexual violence has appeared online




Article published on the ASI website


The comic book’s author is Anna Mezhova, former director of the Preserving Life charity.


Anna has launched the With Word and Brush initiative, aimed at preventing sexual violence against children, with the comic published for those between seven and 16 years of age. The first comic called Mia’s Tale tells the story of a girl who receives a strange request on the internet.


The comic was illustrated by Anna Salyanova, while volunteers Alena Hodson, Yana Roy, Oksana Mishkeeva, Oksana Teleguz and Margarita Karlsson have translated the book into English, French, German, Italian and Spanish.


“We have translated the comics into different languages to show that children are at risk in many other countries. Criminals all over the world use the same tricks in trying to lure a child into sexual exploitation. Our project is another way of reminding parents about this issue, to encourage them to show the comic to their children and discuss important safety rules with them”, wrote Mezhova.


“I believe that this simple and effective format will help millions of children avoid sexual abuse and so enjoy a happy childhood. I have put a lot of time and effort into its creation so now I need everyone’s help in showing the comic to their children, to talk to them and make them aware of the problem, as well as providing the necessary support!”, she added.


You can download and read the comic in any of the languages listed on:



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