Denise Rosa awarded Alumni Achievement Award 2020


The chairman of the Regional Public Organisation for Disabled Persons (ROOI), “Perspektiva”, will get an award for her contribution to developing inclusivity in Russia. 

On the ROOI Facebook page, Denis Rosa wrote, “This is a great honour for me! It goes without saying that these are not only my achievements but also those of my wonderful team and the many other people who have worked with us and supported us in recent years”.

The ceremony will be held 14 February at Knox College, Illinois, USA – from which Ms Rosa graduated. The private liberal arts college awards outstanding graduates every year, celebrating their accomplishments, generosity and contributions to their communities. 

Denise Rosa became the hero of the NKO-Profi project – a project about professionals in the non-profit sector. Read more about this professional journey on the Agency for Strategic Initiatives website (ASI).


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