In Minsk, the staffing levels of doctors is 79%

In Minsk, the staffing levels of doctors is 79%


Minsk: 07.04.2024


Article published on website


City authorities believe that problems related to medical personnel in the capital can be solved by increasing the enrolment targets in medical colleges and universities.


The capital’s medical institutions are suffering from a shortage of doctors with a variety of specialisms, said Igor Yurkevich, Chair of Minsk’s Health Care Committee. He says that the greatest need is for paediatricians and general practitioners. Overall, there are 2,300 and 1,300 vacancies for specialists with secondary and higher education in Minsk respectively.


“In Minsk, doctor staffing levels (by individuals) is 79%, a compatibility ratio of 1.17. 74.6% of employees in health care organisations have a secondary medical education, a compatibility ratio of 1.27”, said Yurkevich as reported by Minsk Novosti.


Yurkevich believes that the staffing issue can be solved by increasing enrolment targets in medical institutions, particularly at the Belarussian State Medical University. This can be done on the basis of nine classes. He added that specialists should be offered attractive salaries and provided with housing, an excellent social package and the opportunity for them to realise their potential in their chosen profession. A friendly team atmosphere is also of great importance.



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