Launch of map of Russian palliative care institutions

Launch of a map of Russian institutions that offer palliative care


The map has been produced by the hospice care charity Faith, and brings together 1,436 facilities across Russia that provide free support and pain relief services for children and adults. It can be accessed via the Pro-Palliative educational website:

The interactive map enables people to find the telephone numbers of palliative care centres in their city and neighbouring communities, to find out the number of available places and whether a medical institution has a licence to provide pain relief medication.

“This interactive map is the result of an enormous effort over many years by the Faith charity and the Pro-Palliative website”, said Nyuta Federmesser, founder of the Faith charity.

“The map is a tool and support mechanism for a tremendous number of people who have had to cope with serious illnesses. Being ill is very scary but it is even more so when a person is faced with a terminal disease, to be left alone in pain, distress and uncertainty, not knowing what to do next, where to get help for pain relief or where to turn for advice on the inevitable questions that relate to their illness”, said Federmesser.

Addresses can be filtered according to the provider and type of care:

  • Outpatient or at home – palliative care centres and visiting care providers;
  • Inpatient – hospices, pain relief centres and wards; palliative and nursing beds; wards or nursing homes; day clinics (receiving pain relief care that does not involve an overnight stay).

There are two additional filters: a coordinating centre for obtaining palliative care, e.g. at a polyclinic, and CSOs.

The map will be supplemented by photographs, together with feedback from patients and relatives.

Users can also add to the list of institutions by completing a form. All suggestions are routinely assessed and, if approved, will be added to the map.


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