McDonald’s restaurants begin work as volunteer centres
Former McDonald’s restaurants begin work as volunteer centres
Centres operating in 30 cities. Work streams: environment, children’s support and career development.
Around 3,000 “McDonald’s volunteers” are working throughout the country.
Interactive sessions with quizzes and workshops will teach the volunteers how to lead a more consciously green lifestyle, separate waste correctly, and change their everyday habits to avoid harming the environment. There will be discussions on climate change and how to reduce your carbon footprint.
McDonald’s is also organising free weekend recreational activities for parents with children at primary or secondary school. Workshops are to be held for young people and those wanting to change their career path.
Topics include: time management, leadership development, and developing transferable skills that would help take your first steps in a new career.
All events must be booked in advance. Places are limited. Find out more about the schedule of classes at your nearest volunteering centre and sign up online.