New course for social entrepreneurs at Moscow institute
Social entrepreneurs and CSO managers invited to study at the Higher School of Economics (HSE)
An HSE course on “Management and innovation in social entrepreneurship” is to begin on 5 April.
This initiative has been developed and implemented jointly with the Regional Social Programmes charity Our Future. The course will take place face-to-face over an 11-month period. Those taking part can be social entrepreneurs, CSO managers and employees, SME representatives and business people who want to learn more about innovation in the social sector and implementing socio-entrepreneurial projects.
The main feature of the HSE/Our Future study programme is to enable participants to know more about business activities that are aimed at resolving social problems as well as making a profit. Students will also learn more about the potential for innovation and entrepreneurial development in the social sector.
Those taking part will acquire practical skills for developing and managing socio-entrepreneurial projects, improve their competitiveness and help their company achieve new levels of growth.
On completion of their studies, the students will receive a professional refresher training diploma from the National Research University Higher School of Economics.
The deadline for applications is 5 April. Those wishing to take part can apply via the Our Future website ( for an interest-free, fixed-term four-year student loan.