Putin pledges support for assisted living homes for people with mental disabilities
Vladimir Putin pledges support for assisted living homes for mentally disabled people
The Russian President has praised the work of the St Petersburg Association of Public Associations of Parents of Disabled Children (GAOORDI) which has organised the building of assisted living accommodation for mentally disabled people and promised Margarita Urmancheeva, the head of the Association, that he would discuss replicating their initiative with the Ministries of Finance and Economic Development.
During a public meeting with Vladimir Putin in Kaliningrad, Margarita said that she would like to spend the 54 billion roubles which the State has already allocated to the building of Psycho-Neurological Residential Institutions (PNRIs) to provide assisted living accommodation.
“When large institutions are created, it’s about saving money. So it appears cheaper, which means more people can be accommodated in PNRIs – but it’s less effective, I agree with you. I’ve therefore instructed Tatyana Golikova and colleagues in the Finance and Economic Development Ministries to think about this and share your experience with them”, said Putin in response.
The Russian President acknowledged that it is easier to work with tens rather than hundreds of children. “And it’s even cheaper as you say. So it’s all the more important to replicate such experience. We should study what you’ve done and make systematic recommendations to the regions and take it forward at national level. Let’s try and do this”, said Putin.
In August this year, the Presidential Council on the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights recommended that the Government build small-sized apartment homes instead of accommodating hundreds of people in residential institutions, as well as approving a Bill on Extended Guardianship and enshrining the concepts of assisted living and assisted social employment in legislation.
Source: https://www.asi.org.ru/news/2019/11/01/prezidentobesh/