Russia: prizes for sustainable development

Prize winners announced in the sphere of sustainable development


This year the organisers of the prize ‘Visionaries. Management for Change’, held via the communication platform +1, recorded a record number of participants.

35 non-financial reports were submitted to the first block ‘Company Report Evaluation’, with 115 cases being submitted to the second block ‘Project Evaluation’. The nominees were assessed based on their actions in the field of corporate social responsibility. Awards were also given to individual projects that focussed on developing practices within the field of sustainable development.

“It is encouraging to realise that an ever-growing number of companies, entrepreneurs and non-profit organisations are paying attention to the introduction and development of sustainability principles in their corporate activities. The Visionaries award has become a platform for obtaining recommendations from market experts for companies and projects that are undergoing sustainable transformations,” says Anastasia Popova, founder of the +1 projects, including RBC +1, Vedomosti+1 and FORBES+1.

The winners in the block of non-financial reporting were the following 10 companies: the engineering division of Rosatom State Corporation, joint-stock companies NOVATEK, Severstal, Rostelcom, MTS, Rosseti, Polyus, Enel Russia, Sakhalin Energy Investment Company Ltd and LLC EvrazHolding.

In the second block, social entrepreneurs and CSOs were evaluated by a panel of experts.

  • The winner in the Efficiency and Responsibility special nomination category (nominated by X5 Retail Group) was the joint-stock company Opticom, with their wastepaper disposal project ‘Paperwork’.
  •  In the category Investing in the Future, Severstal received a special nomination from VTB bank for their project on wastewater treatment using aquatic plants (bioplato).
  • In the category Society and Business, the OMK programme received commendation for their development of the social start-up Start Your Own Business.
  • In the category for Best Practices in Circular Economy joint-stock company SOEMZ (Solnechnogorsk Experimental Mechanical Plant) received a special nomination from SIBUR Holding, for their project for the processing of disposable paper cups.
  • The Road Together charitable foundation presented a special nomination in the category of Sustainable Development Goals to the ANO in the field of ecology and environmental protection, Sobirator, for their project ‘Sobirator’.
  • The platform Smart Country, a partner of the 2020 Visionaries Award, named Ubirator (Убиратор) the winner in the Smart City category, with their service for effective waste management.

The prize for ‘Visionaries. Change Management’ is aimed at assessing the responsible contribution of business, entrepreneurs and non-profit organisations to the sustainable development of the economy, society and the environment in Russia.


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