Russia: Telegram channel set up for prevention of orphanhood
The Russian Federation’s Children’s Commissioner has set up a Telegram channel that will focus on the prevention of orphanhood
Article published on the ASI website
The channel will feature news, expert opinion, analysis and the results of an All-Russian audit of orphanhood in Russia.
Maria Lvova-Belova, the Federation’s Children’s Rights Commissioner, is conducting a nationwide audit of the orphanhood prevention system, the first stage of which began in June.
The Ombudswoman spoke about the creation of a new Telegram channel to highlight the progress being made on the review at a meeting with representatives from the Parents’ Platform, a consultative and advisory body that comes under the auspices of the Commissioner’s office.
“The need for the audit is long overdue as demonstrated by the monitoring of orphanhood issues that has been carried out in the regions. More than 58,000 children are currently in institutions, many of whom should not be there. This is the result not just of a bureaucratic and formal approach to the separation of children and parents, but also of an ill-conceived system of management decision-making, performance indicators and commitment of individual participants”, said Lvova-Belova.
She invited representatives from the Parents’ Platform to take part in the review and told them what measures contribute to reuniting families.
“Social services employees, guardianship and custody agencies help families to resolve domestic problems and fight addictions. Regional commissioners seek support from charitable bodies”.
“It is not our aim to close institutions – we want to restructure them to help families so that children can be raised at home”, Lvova-Belova added.
The Ministry of Education has already developed new criteria for the selection of organisations that will help orphans. There are fewer requirements in the new system.