‘Silver Spring’ events for veterans and elderly and disabled people

More than 25,000,000 veterans, disabled and elderly
people attended the event ‘Silver Spring’


charitable foundation for social initiatives ‘Peace and Harmony’ has announced
the results of the next stage of its large-scale charitable programme ‘Silver
Spring’ designed to assist members of the older generation. The project is
centred on providing material and emotional support, social adjustment and
cultural leisure activities for older people. The fund is delivering the
project for the sixth year running. This year the project will cover Moscow, St
Petersburg, Leningrad region, Lipetsk and Elets. Over 25,000,000 veterans,
disabled and elderly people attended an evenings of music, dancing, shows and
concerts. The events coincided with Victory Day, Socialist Workers’ Day, the 40th
anniversary of the Krasnoselsky region of St Petersburg and other spring
festival days. Similarly, evenings of dancing were organised for pensioners.
All the participants and guests of the charitable initiative ‘Silver Spring’
received gifts. 



‘Peace and Harmony’ was established on 20th
April 2010. The foundation implements programmes centred on providing social
assistance, raising awareness of the spiritual and creative life of older
people, and support for an education system in regions of the Russian
Federation. It also assists vulnerable people and delivers projects with a
cultural and international focus. The geographical areas in which they are
St Petersburg, Leningrad region, Lipetsk, Elets, Yaroslavl, Kaluga and towns in



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