State grants awarded
Gosgrant (State Grant) Prize 2012 – winners
prize giving ceremony was held during the third congress of Russian NGOs in
which over 400 of the organisations took part.
public and independently administered award was instituted with the aim of
conferring recognition on the best organisations (grant administrators, NGOs
and socially responsible businesses) and individuals involved in supporting
socially significant projects. Over the course of a month a list of 107 candidates
was drawn up from the nominations that had been submitted. The second stage saw
delegates to the congress voting by ballot to choose the winning seven. In the
event, awards were made to organisations and individuals for their
contributions as set out below:
Best Supporter of Grant Aided Projects –
the Agency for Strategic Initiatives for the Advancement of New Projects (56
votes out of 415);
Transparency in the Conduct of Competitions for Making Grant Aid
Available for Socially Significant Projects – the Fund for the Development
of Small Technological/Scientific Enterprises (64 votes out of 415).
Communal Figures and Grant Allocators –
Maria Slobodskaya, president of the Civil Society Institute (48 votes out of
415) and Artem Shadrin, director of the department of economic development at
the Russian Federation’s ministry of economic development 48 votes out of 415).
Excellent Support for Social Projects –
the Oleg Deripaski charity, Volnoe Delo (34 votes out of 415) and the charity,
AK BARS Sozidanie (34 votes out of 415).
Responsible Business Supporting Social
Projects– Microsoft Corporation (72 votes out of 415).
of the winners received a seven kilogram statuette of Atlas the Titan, who,
according to ancient legend, supported the firmament on his shoulders whilst
war was being waged against the gods. For that reason he is seen as a symbol of
unshakeable will and strength, as well as of readiness to assume responsibility
by taking a weighty burden onto one’s shoulders and carrying it to a successful
congress was organised by Rario, the Russian Agency for the Development of an
Information Society and the Public Council for Informational Development,
Rosinformrazvitie, with the assistance of the Public Chamber of the Russian
Federation, the Government of Moscow and the Agency of Strategic Initiatives.
The Creative Union of Women Artists, Irida, and the Samara children’s aid
charity, Kharita, also took part in the prize giving ceremony.