Ukraine Appeal Update 14 March
The BEARR Trust and our partners in Ukraine and Moldova give our heartfelt thanks for your incredibly generation donations to our appeal. With your support, we have raised over £130,000, including donations received separately from our CAF Donate site.
Over half the funds raised have already been sent to local organisations on the ground in Ukraine and Moldova. A small team of BEARR trustees have been transferring funds directly to our partners as of 1 March, the day after launching our appeal. We are regularly receiving reports from local organisations that emphasise how money from our campaign arrived ahead of international aid, and served as an urgent and necessary lifeline in the early days of the response.
Our volunteers Liz and Nathan collated these activity reports and have produced a map detailing where and how the money has been spent. Our geographical reach is extensive, with food, medicine, toiletries and fuel for transport provided to vulnerable people all around Ukraine. Please see our map breakdown below for more details on how the funds have been used in central, northern, eastern and southern Ukraine, as well as in Moldova.

Two of our Trustees arrived in Moldova last Wednesday to support the relief effort and to understand how civil society is responding to the flow of refugees crossing the border.
“The trickle of refugees coming through told us about the Ukrainian side where people wait in their cars for several hours before crossing”, they report. “There is a building for mothers and babies to wait in on the Ukrainian side and several churches and missionaries take hot food across each day to feed the queues.”

“Two weeks into this war, the atmosphere in Moldova seems very calm. Everything is well organised, shops are fully stocked (although there are mutterings about salt, soap and cereals disappearing) and everyone is going about their normal business.”
“The big charities are already here and many Moldovan organisations are providing logistical and interpreting support for the journalists and cameramen arriving to visit the border points and centres. The chaos is over, those with friends or relatives abroad have already moved further afield, those with a less clear picture of what to do next remain here, confused and bewildered. We have heard so many stories of misery and loss as people try to come to terms with the change in their circumstances and for most, the separation from their men and older teenage boys.”
Have a read of our Trustees full reports below:
BEARR Trustees in Moldova – Day 1
BEARR Trustees in Moldova – Day 2-4
Please continue to spread the word about the appeal as we move into the third week of our response. As we noted last week, many of us had almost forgotten that the ‘E’ in BEARR’s name stood for ‘Emergency’. We are so sad that thirty years later, we are confronting an emergency of a very different kind.
With warm wishes,
The BEARR Trust

Ukraine Appeal
Please donate here:
Every penny you donate will be passed on as quickly as possible.
BEARR is paying for any administrative costs and money transfer fees itself.
Please contact with any questions.