The BEARR Trust Annual Conference 2023

BEARR’s Annual Conference took place on Friday 17 November 2023 from 13:00 to 16:30. The theme was

“Ukraine: community support for mental health, resilience and recovery”.

To read the report of the conference proceedings, click here.

To view the recording of the conference in English click here.

For Ukrainian click here. 🇺🇦

The speakers included representatives of civil society organisations which provide therapeutic support and humanitarian aid on the ground and academics/professionals who train volunteers and develop strategy. All are interested in community solutions. About seventy participants joined online and forty came in person.

The BEARR Trust has increasingly directed its efforts in Ukraine, funded by the appeal we launched in February 2022, towards supporting therapeutic work by our Ukrainian partners. In July 2023, we launched a new programme From Group Therapy to Community Cohesion”, funded by the British Government through the British Embassy in Kyiv.

The Annual Conference focused on the challenges local organisations have faced, their approaches to the provision of therapeutic support, future needs and strategies.

Tickets were free but we suggested that participants consider making donations of £10 per person, £5 for students and jobseekers, or more if you are able. Free tickets are available for those unable to make a donation. If you are a UK taxpayer and eligible for Gift Aid, please consider registering for a free ticket and making your donation to our CAF Donate Page here.

All proceeds will go to The BEARR Trust’s Emergency Appeal for Ukraine.

About the Conference – for details of the panel members click here

Iнформація про учасників сесії українською мовою

Panel 1 – 13.00-14.15 (London)

Megan Bick, BEARR Trustee, moderated a discussion between: 

  • Natalia Shmurikova, Center for Strategic Initiatives, Khmelnitskiy, Ukraine
  • Liudmyla Byts, Friendly Space, Dubno, Ukraine
  • Max Maslennikov, Charity Fund “Reconstruction of Ukraine”, Dnipro, Ukraine

Panel 2 – 14.35-15.35 (London)

Michael Rasell, BEARR Trustee, moderated a discussion between: 

  • Tamara Lomadze, Povernis, Odesa, Ukraine
  • Dr. Reima Maglajlic, University of Sussex, Department of Social Work and Social Care, UK 
  • Paul Niland, Lifeline, Ukraine 

Plenary Session 15.50-16.30 (London)

Janet Gunn, BEARR Trustee, chaired a discussion between panel members and participants.

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