59% of Russian students are involved in volunteering

Fifty-nine percent of students are involved in volunteer work, says a survey




Survey published on the ASI website


The All-Russian student project Tvoi Khod (Your Turn), which is part of the Russia: a country of opportunity platform and Rossmolodezh.Dobro, have carried out a survey Volunteering – for personal reward or for the soul? in order to coincide with Volunteer Day.


According to the survey, 59% of students are very involved in volunteering. Fifty-eight percent of respondents take part in good causes and another 26% would like to do so. Twenty-five percent of students use the Dobro.rf platform and automatically receive a volunteers’ e-book, as well as being members of different groups. Another 14% of respondents take part in volunteer activities without participating in teams or having an e-book.


“Volunteering is not only the desire to do something that benefits society but also an opportunity to gain experience which can be shared with others. Young people really want to help – a wish that should be encouraged. The path to volunteering begins most often during their student years. Some take part in projects on a one-off basis, while for others, offering help becomes a way of life. Either way, every contribution is appreciated”, said Yulia Epifanova, Head of Tvoi Khod.


According to 72% of respondents, more people are involved in volunteering today than there were ten years ago. In addition, those asked noted that volunteering is becoming a recognisable trend. Seventy-five percent have friends who are regularly involved in charitable work. Eighty percent can see positive changes around the world which have been brought about through the efforts of volunteers. Students most often:


  • Help in organising events – 15%;
  • Provide support to veterans and the elderly – 8%;
  • Help people in general – 6%;
  • Took part in volunteer projects during the pandemic – 5%;
  • Care for animals – 5%


According to 78% of respondents, the level of support in their regions is high. Students consider the most effective measures to be:


  • Internships for volunteers and organisers – 19%;
  • Tools for attracting new audiences – 15%.


“We offer young people the opportunity to make a positive contribution to society and to help those in need. It is very gratifying that students now take part in a variety of different projects, promote the ideas of volunteerism and think about those less fortunate than themselves”, said Yulia Ustinova, Head of Rossmolodezh.Dobro.


Source: https://asi.org.ru/news/2024/12/05/59-studentov-zanimayutsya-volonterstvom-opros-proekta-tvoj-hod/?utm_order_number=1






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