The BEARR Trust Annual Conference 2023

BEARR’s Annual Conference took place on Friday 17 November 2023 from 13:00 to 16:30. The theme was “Ukraine: community support for mental health, resilience and recovery”. To read the report of the conference proceedings, click here. To view the recording of the conference in English click here. For Ukrainian click here. 🇺🇦 The speakers included …

Осіння лекція BEARR Trust 2023: «Війна в Україні та ментальне здоров’я: довгострокові наслідки

BEARR Trust з радістю повідомляє, що професор Роберт ван Ворен прочитає нашу осінню лекцію онлайн через Zoom 13 вересня 2023 року о 18:30 за британським часом. Темою його онлайн-лекції буде: «Війна в Україні та ментальне здоров’я: довгострокові наслідки» – тема надзвичайно важлива зараз, на яку цього року спрямовані гранти BEARR Trust. Оскільки лекція буде проведена …

Project Report from Oasis, Kyrgyzstan

Helping care leavers to embark on their new life Grantee: Public Charitable Foundation OASIS, Kyrgyzstan Project: Care Leavers Support In 2022, more than 10,700 vulnerable children lived in 130 children’s residential institutions in Kyrgyzstan. Depending on the type of institution, young people are required to leave between the ages of 14 and 17, and their departure from …

Demining Ukraine: the challenges of making land safe in an ongoing war

Article provided by August 2023 As the war in Ukraine continues unabated, there is one issue which dominates the global headlines: landmines. Before Putin’s troops invaded on 24th February 2022, it was generally accepted that the landmine was becoming a welcome relic of the twentieth century. The Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention is regarded as one of the …


JOIN THE BEARR TRUST BOARD AND HELP VULNERABLE PEOPLE IN EASTERN EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA The BEARR Trust is recruiting additional trustees, including one who is expected to become co-chairman in June 2024. If you are interested in health and social welfare and have some knowledge of the region where The BEARR Trust works – …

Think tank publishes recommendations on gender equality and women’s empowerment in the post-Soviet space

The Baku-based think tank, the Center for Economic and Social Development, researched aspects such as women’s participation in the labour force, economic empowerment, entrepreneurial activities, distribution in economic fields, and roles in society across 11 post-Soviet countries. The analysis suggested that more economic growth meant more female labour force in the economy. The common challenges …

BEARR Newsletter June 2023

Dear friends and colleagues,   The last few weeks have been dominated by the horrendous news of the dam breach in Ukraine and the further devastation that has brought to the long-suffering population. At BEARR we have been  trying to react with speed to the urgent requests we are receiving. Details here. The good news for BEARR …