New additions to Russia’s list of ‘foreign agents’

A lawyer, journalists and municipal deputies: The Ministry of Justice has updated its list of foreign agents   08.07.2024   Article published on the ASI website   Ryazan Memorial and the Russian Research Centre for Human Rights have been removed from the register as a result of their dissolution.   On 5 July, the journalists …

Russia: the culture of volunteering comes from within the family

The culture of volunteering comes from within the family, says research   08.07.2024   Article posted on the ASI website   Family happiness, love and children are of paramount importance for 54% of those who took part in a survey conducted by the Centre for Civil Society and Non-Profit Sector of the National Research University …

Russia: problems with submission of reports by ‘foreign agents’

Legal entities and individuals classed as foreign agents still unable to submit reports online   08.07.2024   Article published on the ASI website   A Ministry of Justice Order on the procedure and deadlines for posting reports online came into force in 2022, with the reporting platform meant to be operational last year.   Under …

Russia: proposals to help disabled people into the workforce.

People with a Group 1 disability may be exempted from paying personal income tax   01.07.2024   Article published on the ASI website   The Russian Federation’s Ministry of Labour and Social Protection believes that people with disabilities can fill shortages in the Russian labour market. This has been included in a draft framework for …

At least 64,000 Russian soldiers have died fighting in Ukraine

Double the dead: federal mortality data suggests at least 64,000 Russian soldiers have died fighting in Ukraine Meduza, 28 June 2024 On June 27, Russia’s Federal Statistics Service (Rosstat) published the country’s annual mortality data for 2023. Like that of the previous year, the new data shows a sharply elevated excess mortality rate among young …

Proposal to reduce time limits on abortions in Russia

Proposal to reduce time limits on abortions in the Russian Federation   28.06.2024   Article published on the ASI website   According to the RIA Novosti news agency, the Russian State Duma’s Health Protection Committee has sent proposals to the Federation’s Ministry of Health, asking them to consider reducing the time limit on abortions from …

Duma proposes changes to Civic Chamber and monitoring of CSOs

Legislation on public oversight to be amended   26.06.2024   Article published on the ASI website   On 26 June, the Russian State Duma introduced a bill on the development of public oversight institutions. It includes amendments to several federal laws, including legislation “On the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation”.   According to the …

Azerbaijan: Over 700 young people join the ‘This Is the Way’ social project

Published by Azernews on 25th June 2024 The joint project by Azercell and the Judo Federation continues to promote a healthy lifestyle The “This Is the Way” social campaign, implemented by “Azercell Teleсom” LLC in cooperation with the Azerbaijan Judo Federation, continues to highlight the negative consequences of drug addiction. The initiative has attracted over …

Kazakh Health Ministry criticised for cuts in cancer and other drugs

The Ministry of Health cuts spending for expensive drugs for patients with cancer and rare diseases   25.06.2024   In Kazakhstan, the Ministry of Health is receiving more and more criticism. The former Minister of Education, and now a deputy of the Mazhilis, Askhat Aimagambetov, criticised the Ministry of Health for reducing funding for treatment …

Situation of Roma in Roania, including refugees from Ukraine

The Roma living beside us: How we can best acknowledge and accept them   25.06.2024   Article published on the website   Roma people continue to suffer discrimination and prejudice perpetuated in Moldovan society. Ethnic groups are protected under national legislation from racially motivated crimes, including the Roma community, who are turning increasingly to …