Assisted living for disabled people in Russia

Russian Ministry of Labour to fund assisted living for the disabled




The Russian Minister of Labour and Social Protection, Maxim Topilin, has suggested setting up a special working group consisting of agency representatives and public figures to discuss various ways of providing assisted living for disabled people across Russia.


Assisted living is a practice that enables disabled people to access social services away from in-patient facilities. These services are being funded from the implementation of the Accessible Environment programme within the federal budget.


“Measures to provide assisted living as part of regional programmes to develop a comprehensive rehabilitation system for disabled people including children will receive co-financing from next year’s federal budget. Improving the lives of children and young people with disabilities is more than anything a human rights issue”, said Topilin.


Labour Ministry figures show that assisted living is already being practised in 39 Russian regions, with preparatory work currently underway in a further eighteen.


On-going assisted living for disabled people is provided on two levels: for the individual and with small groups:


  • Individuals: available to disabled people from both residential orphanages and psycho-neurological facilities. These are people who are given training in apartments to enable them to look after themselves and who don’t require constant assistance.


  • Small groups: assisted living which is provided in the same way as in residential orphanages and psycho-neurological facilities, in apartments within residential buildings or in specialist residential complexes.


Last December, the Ministry issued policy recommendations for developing a range of practices to help with assisted living for the disabled. These were based on regional experiences, the views of experts and the charity for the support of children living in difficult circumstances.








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