CSOs: what to do during partial mobilisation in Russia

The GRANY Centre released a report for CSOs and resource centres on what to do during the partial mobilisation

A partial mobilisation of Russian citizens has been in effect since September 21.


The Centre for Civic Analysis and Independent Research (GRANY Centre) published a report by lawyer Sergei Maksimov on what employees and managers of CSOs and resource centres should know.

Maksimov answered questions such as:

  • what to do if the director of an organisation is subject to mobilisation;
  • measures to take to remove employees from the military register;
  • the categories of reserve conscripts by age;
  • what an employer should do if an employee receives a summons from the military registration office, or there is a mobilisation order on their military card;
  • what the organisation should do with employees who are on business trips and vacations;
  • what to do for the organisation during an employee’s mobilisation;
  • responsibilities the employee and organisation face for failing to appear in response to a mobilisation summons.

The explanations are available on the GRANI website, and can be downloaded as a file.

Source: https://www.asi.org.ru/news/2022/09/23/czentr-grani-vypustil-razyasneniya/

Translated by: Spencer Michaels

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