Inclusive education not available in most Russian nurseries

Inclusive teaching is not available to children with disabilities in most Russian nurseries


According to research by NIKO Pre-school, only 17-18% of nurseries have the facilities to cater for children with special educational needs.

Even in existing nurseries sociologists have only rated the level of pre-school educational services as ‘satisfactory’, according to the results of research by the Moscow Pedagogical University and the Enlightenment Academy on the orders of Russia’s Education Inspectorate.  The research was carried out in 2016 and 2017.

Novosti reported that nurseries had too little space for adults to supervise the children and store their materials.  Also, in the overwhelming majority of cases children with allergies to certain products are not offered alternatives to them.

Researchers also concluded that the conditions for the teaching staff remain poor.  There is not enough space or time in the day for the staff to relax, there is insufficient room for the staff to hold meetings or for teachers to have private discussions with parents.

NIKO Pre-school carried out its research in two phases: in September 2016 and in September 2017.  In 2016 423 nurseries from 40 different regions took part in the research.  In 2017 1301 nurseries from 74 regions (representing 2.6% of Russia’s nurseries in 87% of the regions) took part in the study.  367 of the nurseries took part in the research in both years.


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