Innovations introduced by CSOs over the last three years

The Grani Centre has released a video on the results of a project named “Ways of growing the innovative potential of CSOs in the social sector”.


Regional CSO employees have been speaking about the changes they have made to their work during the pandemic and why they were willing to take risks.

Heads of CSOs all agreed that working online has become the new norm. Elena Chernysheva, CEO of the Chelyabinsk charity We’re Here for You, explained that her organisation had moved all their projects online, having decided against launching major new initiatives offline.

Other organisations are following suit. Marina Mikhailova, CEO of the Archangel Centre for Technologies Garant, said that CSOs were no longer reluctant to hold meetings and seminars online. The standard practice of “needing to meet around the table” no longer applies. Many have realised they have no need for an office and that employees can be based in different cities “with whom we can keep in touch via Zoom”.

CSOs believe that risk-taking, flexibility and a willingness to innovate are typical of the non-profit sector.

“CSO staff focus on the task in hand and ignore any obstacles that might stand in their way”, said Svetlana Makovetskaya, CEO of the Grani Centre.


Translated by Neil Hailey

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