March against Breast Cancer
6000 people came together at Avon’s march Together Against Breast Cancer
The main aim behind Avon’s march is to draw attention to breast cancer and inform Russians
of the importance of early diagnosis. This year’s march started at the Bolotnaya Square and
proceeded to the Health and Beauty Festival in Gorky Park. The symbol for the march was a
flower, symbolizing life, beauty and fragility.
To make a personal contribution to the fight against breast cancer those participating in the
march could purchase a T-shirt with a pink ribbon on. The proceeds from the sale of the Tshirts
and other pink ribbon products, will be given to charitable initiatives, one being the
purchase of diagnostic equipment for the regional cancer centre.
Around 12,000 people attended the festival. According to the organisers, breast health
specialists examined more than 500 women. These women also received answers to health
questions, information on methods of breast cancer treatment and rehabilitation, and advice
from psychologists. The march took place with the support of medical experts, public figures
and partner charities of the program.