NGO Ideas to be included in National Public Initiative Road-Map
Socially-oriented NGOs would be able to make their ideas on developing charity, volunteering and the non-for-profit partnerships part of the road-map of the National Public Initiative (at present, it is being developed by the Open Government web portal). National Public Initiative is a complex of measures and decisions on the interaction of the government, charity donors, NGOs, beneficiaries of social services and charity donations. The idea to collect input from NGOs was discussed at the 10th annual conference of the Donors’ Forum ‘Charity in Russia: main directions for development‘ on 26 October 2012 between Mikhail Abyzov, Russian Minister for liaisons with the Open government, and representatives of the third sector.
Ideas can be sent to AIS (contact: Vlada Muravyova, at until 10 November. The form can be downloaded from: