OSCE-led Survey on Violence Against Women
This report, funded by a number of donors, presents the cross-regional, comparable findings of the OSCE-led Survey on the Well-being and Safety of Women, which was implemented in 2018 in selected countries in in South Eastern Europe and Eastern Europe, including Ukraine and Moldova. The OSCE-led survey included a quantitative and qualitative component and was undertaken with the goal of providing comparable data on different forms of violence women experience in their childhood and throughout the course of their lives. The research examined violence that women experience in conflict and non-conflict settings, as well as the impact violence has on women, including its lasting consequences. Questions on norms and attitudes connected to violence against women were asked to better understand the underlying causes of violence.
Read about the survey here: https://www.osce.org/projects/survey-on-the-well-being-and-safety-of-women
You can download the report here: https://www.osce.org/secretariat/413237